So it's been a long time! I can't believe my last update was before Christmas. Time flies with three kids!! So where do I start?
Lexzi has just finished her basketball cheerleading season. The Gwinn Boys Varsity team are district champs and regional runner-ups. She had a lot of fun and kept us running! I was sad to have the team lose but at the same time happy, OK ecstatic, to not have to drive as much. Next on the horizon...drumroll...her 16th birthday! I cannot believe that this is possible. While I wish I could shrink her back down to the cute, cuddly, my mommy knows everything stage, she is a wonderful christian girl with a good head on her shoulders! We are SO proud of her!
Waylon is obsessed with Star Wars! He plays with light sabers constantly and has begun shooting lightning out of his hands when he is pretending to be the bad guy. Cute the first couple times...not so cute when he has just gotten a time out and thinks that is going to make me go away. He is loving the spring weather and has been running off that energy outside a lot! He has turned into an awesome little helper!
Sammi is getting so big. She is walking and talking. So far she has said "Mama, Dada, book, bath, thanks, & bye." It's amazing how much faster she is doing things than Waylon. Gotta keep up with her crazy brother! Hard to believe she will be 1 at the end of May! She is just too much fun!
Travis has gotten of straight nights shift finally! It's so nice to have him up & around during the day. Third shift is awful for family life. I am so thankful that is behind us! I am working a few days a week doing massage therapy and billing still. I love my work and the people I work with...you can't beat working with like-minded Christian women! I have also made up my mind to lose this baby fat. I have started this program "Couch to 5K". I have never really liked running but am determined to force myself to like it. So far so good! I really am enjoying my me time, sore muscles and all! I have been looking for some good upbeat Christian music to add to my running playlist, so if anyone has any suggestions...
So that's the last few months in a nutshell. I promise I'll update this more. I'm embarrassed the last time was in early December. What can I say...that's the silly lives of the Sales! :)
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